But, let's see now- the crossing guard is looking at me (taking the photo), the kid is looking at the crossing guard, and who exactly is looking BEHIND that kid where the cars are actually coming from? Yup, just another day of student drop off at a Michigan elementary school. Another day of hundreds of kids and cars and buses mixing in a variety of creative ways. All within a few minutes. Nothing could happen here, right? The kid can stand in the traffic circle as long as he'd like. Heck, there's a crossing guard.
You can bet that this child has been taught all kinds of great stuff about not going with strangers, washing his hands, not poking his eyes out by running with scissors, but probably not that much about traffic safety. What's the number one cause of serious injury and death for kids again..........?
Got a good suggestion for a caption for this photo? I'd love to hear it.
Wait'll you see the next photo and hear the story.
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