When I say we know this stuff already, I mean it: The only place we can have a crash with a train is at a railroad crossing. We know that, but people still have crashes there. This is why safety educators like myself say that most injury "accidents" are predictable and preventable. We know that we'll probably only poke our eyes out with scissors if we're near careless scissor use, and that all train crashes are going to take place at a railroad track. The "accident" can only really take place if we make certain choices in these situations- these situations where the danger is known.
So, WSR #1- If a distracted or careless driver is going to run a Stop sign or traffic light I know that I can only have a crash with them at an intersection. While you're driving this week remind yourself to use extra caution at intersections. That includes the intersections in your own neighborhood. Do two things: First, choose to look ahead in to the intersection that you're about to cross and see if anyone is approaching it suspiciously. Second, if you're entering an intersection from a stop, choose to look at the crossing traffic before you take off and make sure everyone is stopped. This reminder not only may save your live, but that of the distracted/careless driver and their family.
One more reminder that we know- this is good behavior to model for the young drivers in our families.
And, I probably don't have to remind you that ignoring railroad crossing signs is a poor choice.
WSR #2 will most likely appear in a week. But, I'll bet you knew that already.
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