Tuesday, July 27, 2010

A 1st for Motorcycle Safety in Michigan

So, I've already asked you nicely to watch out for me when I'm riding the highway transportation system on the two wheels of my Goldwing. And, I thank you for doing so. Every day that I spend on my motorcycle means that the next day I am extreeeeeeeeemely careful as a traditional four-wheel driver. I watch for EVERYTHING. Shoot, that's the way that we should be driving all of the time, but, spending a day feeling so incredibly vulnerable, really reminds me how dangerous this driving thing actually is.

Now, for the first time ever, our friends at the Michigan Office of Highway Safety Planning and SMARTER, the Skilled Motorcyclist Association-Responsible Trained & Educated Riders, are teaming up to co-sponsor the Ride Smart 2010 Motorcyclist Safety Conference. This safety conference for motorcyclists will be held Saturday, September 11, 2010 at the Comfort Inn and Suites in Mt. Pleasant, Michigan.

The popularity of motorcycling has risen, and along with it has come a rise in crashes, injuries and fatalities. In fact, motorcycles have accounted for one of the few increases in Michigan traffic fatalities during the past few years. September's conference will feature nationally known motorcyclist safety experts and provide workshops with information and riding techniques that participants can immediately implement to protect themselves and their passengers. Oh sure, there are door prizes, collector patches, food and networking opportunities as well, but that safety thing should be enough. Registration is only $30 - $45 and details can be found at http://smartermotorcyclesafety.eventbrite.com

Traffic safety advocates like myself are always conflicted about our interest in two-wheeling coexisting with our knowledge of the true dangers surrounding this mode of transportation. The only way that I can rationalize my own involvement in it is by working hard to promote safe operation, good sense and the use of every safety feature available to me. That includes increased education right along with the helmet and protective clothing. This new Michigan conference should be an excellent opportunity to augment that education. Why not give it a try.

By the way- if you're a motorcycle safety advocate, I suggest checking out the resources available from our friends at SMARTER. Find them at www.smarter-usa.org

Be safe.

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